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Inch Kenneth Estate (1894)


Inch Kenneth Estate merupakan ladang pertama di Ulu Langat yang menanam getah secara besar-besaran:-

“Tin mining industry in the district turned out to be a relatively minor enterprise, paling in comparison to other towns in the state. This prompted the District Office to suggest moving to agriculture. Tobacco had been planted in 1890 on a trial basis in Semenyih but the project failed. Coffee was next and it gained interest amongst European planters who were applying for land for coffee planting. Chinese businessmen were equally interested and joined in the demand for land. However, at the turn of the 20th century, faced with strong competition from Brazilian coffee producers, fluctuation of coffee prices and the appearance of a fungal disease called H. vastatrix and further assisted by the outbreaks of Cephonodes hylas moth that threatened to cripple the local coffee production, the industry soon vanished from the scene.

Rubber was the next big crop. The Inch Kenneth Estate located just outside Kajang became the first estate to plant rubber on a commercial scale in Malaya. Among the Chinese planters who obtained land in Kajang for rubber plantation were Choo Kia Peng with 182ha in 1910, Loke Yew with 41ha in 1912 and Low Ti Kok with 24ha. Goh Ah Ngee, who had tin mines in Balau, also ventured into rubber plantation in Semenyih after his failed ventures in coffee planting. The development of the rubber industry was also helped by the extension of the railway track southwards from Kuala Lumpur to Kajang in 1897. Before that, Kajang was connected to Kuala Lumpur via a cart road built in 1888.”

Inch Kenneth Estate sign near Kajang
“Inch Kenneth Estate sign near Kajang.”

(Sumber: Eric Lim @ Museum Volunteers, JMM, July 15, 2020: |"History of Kajang").


1894: Pembukaan

Ladang ini dibuka pada tahun 1894 oleh R.C.M. dan D.C.P. Kindersley di Kajang. Mungkin nama ladang adalah sempena Inch(Pulau) Kenneth, Scotland. Pada mulanya, ia adalah ladang kopi: “The development of pepper, coffee, and finally rubber estates in other parts of Selangor over the period 1880-1900 bypassed Ulu Langat until the mid-1890s, when improved communications made it a more attractive area in which to open an estate. The key factor was the extension southwards of the railway, which reached Pudu in 1893, Sungei Besi in 1895, and Kajang in 1897. When the Resident visited Kajang in 1894, he approved - with some formality to mark a significant event - two applications, each for 500 acres of land in the Ulu Langat district, made by European planters. These were the first such applications for estate land outside the Kuala Lumpur and Klang districts.” (J.M. Gullick, 2007: |"A Short History of Ulu Langat to 1900"), m.s. 16).

1896: Perintis Penanaman Getah

Pada tahun 1896, Kindersley telah memperolehi anak pokok getah dari H.N. Ridley (Botanical Gardens, Singapura), lalu menanamnya di ladang ini (berkeluasan 5 ekar), sebagai ladang getah pertama di Malaya: “The original purpose of the Kindersley brothers was to open coffee estates (free of the restriction to 250 acres in the Klang valley), but in 1896 H. N. Ridley, Curator of the Botanic Gardens in Singapore, supplied them with rubber seedlings to plant an experimental 5 acres on Inch Kenneth estate, near Kajang. They are generally credited with being the first to plant rubber on a commercial scale in Malaya. The collapse of the coffee industry in 1899 brought the Kindersleys to the brink of ruin but these dogged Scotsmen survived the crisis and went on to become prominent in the new industry. One of them, R. C. M. Kindersley, was an unofficial member of the FMS Federal Council in the 1920s. The example of the Kindersleys led to the creation of a group of estates, mostly within a mile or two of the railhead (1897) at Kajang. The Kindersleys owned Balgownie, Inch Kenneth, and Bangi estates. In 1898 Lau Boon Tit opened Semenyih estate, which was later acquired by the Asiatic Rubber Produce Company. Lau 'went for broke' in planting 54 acres of rubber in 1898. A few years later, the FMS Rubber Co. owned West Country, Belmont, and Ayer Hitam estates, and E. V. Carey, chairman of the Selangor Planters' Association, opened Paradise estate. Thus, for the first time, Ulu Langat became a flourishing 'planting district'. It was a turning point.” (J.M. Gullick, 2007: |"A Short History of Ulu Langat to 1900"), m.s. 16-17).

The Inch Kenneth Rubber Estates, Ltd. 1. Tapping ten years old rubber trees.
Gambar sekelompok pokok getah berumur 10 tahun di Inch Kenneth Rubber Estates, diambil sekitar tahun 1908, maka kemungkinan antara pokok-pokok getah terawal yang ditanam di situ: “The Inch Kenneth Rubber Estates, Ltd. 1. Tapping ten years old rubber trees.” (Arnold Wright, 1908: "Twentieth century impressions of British Malaya: its history, people, commerce, industries, and resources", m.s. 456).

1904: Pembukaan Cawangan Reko Hill

Pada tahun 1904, R.C.M. Kindersley membuka ladang Reko Hill (cawangan Inch Kenneth Estate), kemudiannya mendiami sebuah banglo di sana (The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser, 21 July 1911, Page 5: |"WEDDING").

The Inch Kenneth Rubber Estates, Ltd. ..... 4. View of Reko Hill Estate.
Gambar Reko Hill Estate sekitar 1908. Sayup kelihatan di puncak bukit, kemungkinan banglo Kindersley: “The Inch Kenneth Rubber Estates, Ltd. ….. 4. View of Reko Hill Estate.” (Arnold Wright, 1908: "Twentieth century impressions of British Malaya: its history, people, commerce, industries, and resources", m.s. 456).

Ladang Inch Kenneth, 1900-anGambaran kasar Ladang Inch Kenneth kini
Kiri: Ladang Inch Kenneth, 1900-an (Edinburgh Geographical Institute, 1904 @ Yale University Library - Digital Collections: |"Selangor, Federated Malay States, 1904 / John Bartholomew & Co ; W.T. Wood, chief draftman").
Kanan: Gambaran kasar Ladang Inch Kenneth kini (Mapcarta).

1905: Perkembangan Ladang-Ladang

Tahun 1905 merupakan kemuncak pembukaan ladang getah di antara Kajang dan Bangi, termasuk oleh R.C.M. Kindersley: “An application was made by Mr: R.C.M.Kindersley on behalf of the Inch Kenneth Rubber Estates Limited for 1000 acres of land for rubber planting between Reko and Bangi. If this application is approved, practically all the available land between Kajang and Bangi will be under rubber cultivation. - Ag: District Officer, Ulu Langat” (Arkib Negara 1957/0125542W, 03/11/1905: |"MONTHLY REPORT FOR OCTOBER, 1905 -").

Menjelang tahun 1908, Inch Kenneth Estate telah berkembang ke cawangan Reko Hill di Rekoh serta Dunedin Estate di Bangi: “The Inch Kenneth rubber estates comprise three properties - the Inch Kenneth, Reko Hill, and Dunedin - with a total area of 1,674 acres, of which 1,000 acres are under cultivation. The remainder is jungle, but this is being gradually opened up and planted. At first the estate was partly planted with coffee, but this has been superseded entirely by rubber. As an experiment two acres of land were planted ten years ago, but with this exception, the trees on the estate vary in age from those newly planted to those planted in 1902. Altogether there are 180,000 trees, and the crop of rubber in 1906 amounted to 2,000 lbs. It is estimated that about 5,000 lbs. will be produced in 1907. The manager's bungalow stands on a hill some 300 feet above sea-level, and commands a capital view of the surrounding country. Mr R.C.M. Kindersley has managed the estate since 1904, prior to which he was planting on the Kenneth estate. He employs Javanese coolies and has two assistants. The directors of the company are Messrs. D. Harris, G.B. Thornton, and Capt. H.W.S. Kindersley, and the secretaries are Messrs. Greenhill and Clapperton, of Edinburgh.”

The Inch Kenneth Rubber Estates, Ltd. 1. Tapping ten years old rubber trees. 2. View of five years old rubber trees. 3. General view, Bangi Estate. 4. View of Reko Hill Estate.
“The Inch Kenneth Rubber Estates, Ltd. 1. Tapping ten years old rubber trees. 2. View of five years old rubber trees. 3. General view, Bangi Estate. 4. View of Reko Hill Estate.”

(Sumber: Arnold Wright, 1908: "Twentieth century impressions of British Malaya: its history, people, commerce, industries, and resources", m.s. 456).

1914: Pingat Perak di London

Pada tahun 1914, ladang ini telah dianugerahi pingat perak (Class I) di London Exhibition (Turut diumumkan oleh R.C.M. Kindersley di dalam mesyuarat ini. Ladang Balgownie dianugerahi pingat emas) (Inch Kenneth Rubber Estates Limited, 2010: |"100 Years of Establishment").

1919-03-31: Dikeluarkan dari Kajang District Planters Association

Pada 31 Mac 1919, Kindersley telah mengeluarkan beberapa (kesemua?) estet beliau dari Kajang District Planters Association (The Straits Times, 16 April 1919, Page 10: |"Kajang D.PA":-
Ladang-ladang Kindersley di selatan Kajang, 1920-anLadang-ladang Kindersley di selatan Kajang, kini
Kiri: Ladang-ladang Kindersley di selatan Kajang, 1920-an (Survey Department, Singapore, 1927 @ National Archives of Singapore: |"Parts of Seremban and Jelebu Districts with portions of Ulu Langat and Kuala Langat Districts (Selangor), Kajang, Negri Sembilan").
Kanan: Gambaran kasar bekas ladang-ladang Kindersley di selatan Kajang, kini (Mapcarta).
Senarai penuh:-

  • Balgownie Estate (Sebelah utara peta)
  • Bangi Estate (Kini Taman Bangi Indah, Bangi Avenue, Crescent Park)
  • Inch Kenneth Estate (Sebelah utara peta)
  • Dunedin Estate (Kini Alam Sari, Serene Heights)
  • Reko Hill Estate (Kini Bandar Baru Bangi Seksyen 5, SJK(T) Ladang West Country Timur, SMK Jalan Reko, Taman Tenaga, Taman Langat Jaya, Pusat Hentian Kajang, Taman Perindustrian Kajang)
  • Gleshiel Estate (Kini Taman Bukit Mewah, Taman Sri Mewah, Taman Bukit Mutiara)
  • Sungei Tankas Estate (Kini Kg Sg Tangkas,
  • Kajang Estate (Kini Taman Bukit Indah, New Era University College, Taman Kajang Prima, Taman Damai, Taman Jasmin, Taman Cantik, Taman Ria, Taman Sentosa, Taman Asa Jaya, Taman Sri Jelok)
  • Sungei Reko Estate (Kini Kajang 2, Kajang Villa, Tropicana Heights, Rafflesia International School, Taman Anggerik Emas)
  • Connemara Estate (Kini Eco Majestic)
  • Sungei Ramal Estate (Sebelah barat laut peta)

1939: R.C.M. Kindersley Meninggal Dunia

Pada tahun 1939, pengasas Inch Kenneth Estate, R.C.M. Kindersley, meninggal dunia (pneumonia) setelah pulang bersara di England 10 tahun sebelumnya. Beliau berumur 68 tahun (Inch Kenneth Rubber Estates Limited, 2010: |"100 Years of Establishment").

1933: Digabungkan dengan Kajang Rubber Estates

Pada tahun 1933, Kajang Rubber Estates digabungkan dengan Inch Kenneth Estates, menjadi Inch Kenneth Kajang Rubber Limited (Inch Kenneth Rubber Estates Limited, 2010: |"100 Years of Establishment").

1951-02-11: Perintah Berkurung

Pada 13 Februari 1951, kawasan sepanjang Sungai Langat di antara jambatan ladang Inch Kenneth dan West Country telah dikenakan perintah berkurung, kecuali awal pagi, tengahari, dan lewat petang:-

“In Kajang, from Tuesday, Feb. 13, the bridge over Sungei Langat leading to Inche Kenneth Estate, south along Sungei Langat to West Country Estate Bridge, north-west along the electric power line to where the power line changes direction and north-east to Inche Kenneth Estate Bridge, will be under curfew at all times except from 1 to 2 p.m., 6.30 to 7 p.m. and 6.30 to 7 a.m.”

(Sumber: Sunday Standard, 11 February 1951, Page 5: |"Kajang Area Is Under Curfew").

Kemungkinan perintah berkurung ini ada kaitan dengan siri mogok pekerja kontrak beberapa minggu sebelumnya. Sejak darurat diisytiharkan pada 18 Jun 1948, dari semasa ke semasa beberapa kawasan di sekitar daerah Ulu Langat dikenakan perintah berkurung, bagi membendung ancaman komunis.

LATAR PERISTIWA: Darurat (1948-1960)

1973: Perolehan Straits Trading Co Ltd

Pada tahun 1973, |Straits Trading Co Limited memperolehi majoriti saham (28%) (Inch Kenneth Rubber Estates Limited, 2010: |"100 Years of Establishment").

1974: Peralihan kepada Kelapa Sawit

Pada tahun 1974, salah satu daripada ladang mereka, Ladang Dunedin di Bangi, menjadi ladang pertama mereka yang ditukar dari getah kepada kelapa sawit. (Kemungkinan nama ladang ini adalah sempena nama asal Edinburgh, Scotland) (Inch Kenneth Rubber Estates Limited, 2010: |"100 Years of Establishment").

Lokasi Ladang Dunedin, Bangi
Lokasi Ladang Dunedin, Bangi.

1978: Ibu Pejabat Berpindah ke KL

Pada tahun 1978, ibu pejabat syarikat kini telah berpindah dari UK ke Malaysia, beralamat di Tingkat 5, Floor Straits Trading Building, 4 Leboh Pasar Besar, Kuala Lumpur (Inch Kenneth Rubber Estates Limited, 2010: |"100 Years of Establishment").

1982: Penubuhan Inch Kenneth Kajang Rubber Public Ltd

1984: Penjualan Tanah kepada MRCB

2001: Kelulusan Pembangunan di Kajang

Pada tahun 2001, 350 ekar tanah di Kajang mendapat kebenaran penukaran status, dari ladang kepada pembangunan pelbagai (Inch Kenneth Rubber Estates Limited, 2010: |"100 Years of Establishment").

Kawasan Ladang Kajang yang bakal dibangunkan.
Kawasan Ladang Kajang yang bakal dibangunkan.

2005: Penilaian Semula Tanah

Pada tahun 2005, hasil penilaian semula, tanah mereka di Kajang dan Bangi kini bernilai RM258 juta (Inch Kenneth Rubber Estates Limited, 2010: |"100 Years of Establishment").

2007: Kelulusan Pembangunan di Bangi

Pada tahun 2007, 600 ekar tanah di Bangi mendapat kebenaran penukaran status kepada pembangunan pelbagai (Inch Kenneth Rubber Estates Limited, 2010: |"100 Years of Establishment").

Kawasan Ladang Dunedin yang bakal dibangunkan.
Kawasan Ladang Dunedin, Bangi yang bakal dibangunkan (Inch Kenneth Rubber Estates Limited, 2010: |"100 Years of Establishment").

2008: Tuntutan Rumah Pekerja Ladang

“There is strength in numbers which is why PSM secretary-general and Kajang Municipal councillor S. Arutchelvan wants to mobilise together the estate workers of Semenyih, Dunedin, Bangi and Glengowrie to demand for housing. 'Breaking up the communities of estate workers leads to a negative impact on their psyche as they already feel neglected and cast aside,' Arutchelvan said. 'With a proper area set aside for housing, displace estate workers can ask for a school, hall and places of worship,' he said.” (Geetha Krishnan @ The Star, 17 Jul 2008: |"Thousands of former estate workers in dire need of work and shelter").

2011: Pemberhentian Pekerja Ladang

“Hari ini 9 orang pekerja ladang Denudin, batu 3 1/2 jalan Bangi telah menerima notis berhenti kerja. Ini merupakan ladang terakhir di Semenyih menerima notis. Notis diberikan oleh wakil Tuan Ladang Inch Kenneth. Ini merupakan ladang ulung Inch Kenneth. Notis ini memaklumkan bahawa tarikh akhir mereka berkhidmat adalah 31 Mei 2011. Selain itu notis itu langsung tidak berbincang bayaran ex-gratia dan perumahan alternatif.” (PSM Semenyih, 11/4/2011: |"6-4-11 Ladang terakhir di Semenyih Terima Notis berhenti kerja").

2013: Rumah Bekas Pekerja Dunedin Estate

Perjanjian ditandatangani oleh Inch Kenneth: 22 orang bekas pekerja Ladang Denudin akan mendapat rumah alternatif percuma sebagaimana sewajarnya, setelah beberapa mesyuarat telah diadakan antara pemaju, pemilik dan ahli jawatankuasa pekerja ladang, serta pejabat SUK Negeri Selangor. (Rajan, PSM Semenyih @ Anjung Kiri, February 8, 2013: |"22 Keluarga Dapat Rumah Percuma: Ladang Denudin Semenyih").

Nasib Penduduk Asal

Masalah penduduk di Ladang Bangi (yang telah/pernah bergabung dengan Balgownie), berlarutan lebih lama lagi, selama 9 tahun: 2000-2019 (pemilik asal: Sime Darby):-

2012: Perolehan Ladang Bangi

Pada tahun 2012, Ladang Bangi yang berhenti beroperasi pada tahun 2000, telah diambil alih oleh syarikat pemaju lain tanpa pengetahuan penduduk, dan kerja-kerja penebangan pula telah dijalankan, tanpa memenuhi syarat-syarat terdahulu. Walaupun aduan dibuat, tindakan pihak berwajib cenderung menyebelahi pihak pemaju. (Krishnan a/l Chendermaie, Pengerusi JK Bertindak Ladang Bangi @ PSM Semenyih, 23/4/2012: |"Pekerja Ladang Bangi buat aduan terhadap 3 syarikat").

Tapak Projek Ladang Bangi
Lokasi Tapak Projek Pembangunan Bercampur di atas Lot 1913, Ladang Bangi, seluas 342.49 ekar (138.6 hektar), untuk dimajukan oleh Seriemas Development Sdn. Bhd. (Europasia Engineering Services Sdn. Bhd., 2015: |"EIA for the Proposed Mixed Development on Lot 1913, Bangi Estate, Mukim Semenyih, District of Hulu Langat, Selangor Darul Ehsan for Seriemas Development Sdn. Berhad: Ringkasan Eksekutif, m.s.3).

2017: Perumahan Bekas Pekerja Ladang Bangi

Setelah 17 tahun bergelut dengan samseng kontaktor pemaju, janji-janji yang dimungkiri, dan beberapa sesi di mahkamah, akhirnya 24 keluarga Ladang Bangi menandatangani perjanjian jual beli rumah mereka dengan pihak pemaju Trans Loyal Development Sdn Bhd. (Annabelle Lee @ Malaysiakini, 31 May 2017: |"End of 17-year suffering for Ladang Bangi folk").

Majlis sambutan kemenangan perjuangan perumahan di Ladang Bangi, 27 Ogos 2017
Majlis sambutan kemenangan perjuangan perumahan di Ladang Bangi, 27 Ogos 2017 (Sosialis, Sep-Okt 2017, m.s.5: |"Majlis sambutan kemenangan perjuangan bekas pekerja Ladang Bangi").

2 tahun selepas perjanjian tersebut, 24 keluarga ini menerima kunci rumah daripada pihak pemaju Trans Loyal Development Sdn Bhd. (Tarrence Tan @ The Star, 20 Feb 2019: |"24 families of estate workers given new homes in Semenyih") (Sumber lain: Ahmad Ismadi Ismail @ Sinar Harian, 20 Februari 2019: |"Penantian 17 tahun, 24 keluarga bekas pekerja ladang berakhir").

Namun masalah lain pula timbul: mungkin pihak pemaju merasakan mereka telah menunaikan janji mereka, lalu bertindak menutup laluan ke kuil Ladang Bangi (padahal kuil itu telah pun diwartakan di bawah kerajaan negeri):-

Bacaan lanjut mengenai nasib penduduk asal sesuatu tempat (penduduk kampung, pekerja ladang, dll), serta kesan terhadap keluarga, budaya, dan sosioekonomi mereka, setelah tanah yang mereka duduki diambil alih untuk pembangunan, oleh syarikat swasta mahupun kerajaan:-

LATAR PERISTIWA: Getah di Malaya dan Perladangan Kindersley.

inchkenneth_estate.1725251060.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/09/02 12:24 by sazli