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Braemar Estate (1896)

1896-10-26: Perolehan oleh Goh Ah Ngee

“Braemar, formerly the property of Messrs Toynbee and Traill, having recently been purchased by Goh Ah Ngee, of Balau fame.” (The Straits Times, 26 October 1896, Page 3: |"PLANTING IN ULU LANGAT").

“In October, three blocks of waste land, aggregating 960 acres, were granted to Messrs. Walsh and Mitchell for coffee-planting purposes, this being the first occasion on which premium has been charged on agricultural land in Ulu Langat District. Other applications for smaller aras, amounting altogether to 791 acres, were received during the course of the month, and 485 acres were applied for mining purposes. A large contingent of Rembau people, numbering 40 families, have lately arrived in the district and are taking up land for rice-cultivation at Sungei Merap, situated on the Langat River some three miles below Reko. A large extent of suitable land is available in this locality, and the present applications may form the nucleus of an extensive settlement. Clearing operations on a large scale have been commenced at Braemar by Goh Ah Ngee, the new proprietor, who has also started work on his settlement for Chinese Christians near Semenyih. Building operations in the town of Kajang continue to show rapid development; by the end of the year, there should be between 30 and 40 double-storied brick houses there either completed during the year on in course of construction.” (The Straits Budget, 1 December 1896, Page 3: | "KUALA LANGAT").

1914-10-29: Pengurusan S.E. Dickson

“Mr S.E. Dickson, of Simpang Estate, is leaving in a few days to take up the managership of Braemar Estate, Kajang. Mr Dickson is a keen volunteer and footballer. On Saturday last he was elected captain of the football team, and his departure will be a distinct loss to Perak.” (Straits Echo, 29 October 1914, Page 6: |"TAIPING TOPICS"); The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 2 November 1914, Page 4: |"Untitled").

1915-03-19: Perkahwinan H.G.H Bartlett

“The wedding took place at 11 o'clock this morning at St. George's Church of Mr. H.G.H. Bartlett, Manager of Braemar Estate, Kajang, eldest son of the late Mr. Stephen Bartlett of Belsize Road, London, and Miss Mary E. Reddie, fifth daughter of Commander Thomas Reddie, of Elstow, Exeter, England, who arrived by the mail this morning. The service was a quiet one, the Rev. F.W. Haines officiating.” (Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 19 March 1915, Page 2: |"BARTLETT-REDDIE").

“At St. George's Church this morning by the Rev. F.W. Haines the marriage was solemnised of Mr. H.G.H. Bartlett, Manager of Braemar Estate, Kajang, to Miss Mary E. Reddie, who arrived from Home by the P.& O s.s. Oriental.” (Straits Echo, 19 March 1915, Page 4: |"M. A. P.").

“There were three planters' weddings at St. George's Church this morning, the Rev. F. W. Haines officiating, viz:- Mr. H.G.H. Bartlett, Manager of Braemar Estate, Kajang, Selangor, to Miss Marrie Reddie.” (Malaya Tribune, 20 March 1915, Page 6: |"Wedding Bells").

1916-01-14: Pertunangan Adik Isteri H.G.H. Bartlett

“The engagement of Mr. Arthur William Robertson, of Sua Betong Estate, Port Dickson, and Miss Ella Agnes Reddie, sister of Mrs. H.G.H. Bartlett, of Braemar Estate, Kajang, is announced.” (Malaya Tribune, 14 January 1916, Page 10: |"Untitled").

1916-05-01: C.G. Oliver Terkorban

“Killed in action. - 2nd Lieut C.G. Oliver, 3rd Devons, formerly of Braemar estate, Kajang. Both his legs were shot off.” (The Straits Times, 1 May 1916, Page 9: | "THE ROLL OF HONOUR").

“Mr. C.G. Oliver, formerly of Braemar Estate, Kajang, has been killed in action. He was a Second Lieutenant in the Third Devons. He had both his legs shot off.” (Straits Echo, 1 May 1916, Page 7: | "ROLL OF HONOUR").

1921-02-03: Kepulangan H.G.H. Bartlett

“Mr. H.G.H. Bartlett of Braemar Estate, Kajang, has returned from Home.” (Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 3 February 1921, Page 7: |"SOCIAL & PERSONAL").

1924-04-10: H.G.H. Bartlett Menguruskan Central Rubber Factory

“It is stated that Mr. John Hands, manager of the Central Rubber Factory, Kajang, will be leaving for home on furlough about the end of this month. During his absence, Mr. H.G.H. Bartlett, for many years manager of Braemar Estate, Kajang, will act for him.” (Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 10 April 1924, Page 5: |"SOCIAL & PERSONAL"; The Straits Times, 11 April 1924, Page 8: |"SOCIAL AND PERSONAL").

1926-05-28: Perolehan Balgownie Estate

“The area of Braemar estate has been increased by the purchase of the adjoining Balgownie estate, consisting of 460 acres of planted rubber and 56 acres of reserve.” (Malaya Tribune, 28 May 1926, Page 8: |"COMPANY REPORTS").

1929-05-30: Bersebelahan Lombong

“The output of London Asiatic Rubber and Produce for 1928 was 3,642,952 lb. against 2,902,490 lb. in 1927. … 220 acres were planted and a small block of valueless mining land attached to Braemar estate was surrendered to Government.” (The Straits Budget, 30 May 1929, Page 3: |"LONDON ASIATIC RUBBER. Cost of Production Greatly Decreased").

1930-08-20: J.C. Henderson Menggantikan J.A.G. Wharton

“Mr. J.A.G. Wharton, who is with the London Asiatic Rubber Company, Ltd.. and has been for several years manager of their Braemar Estate, Kajang, is shortly going on transfer to their Elphil Estate, in Perak. It is stated that Mr. J.C. Henderson, who is a director of the company, will take over from Mr. Wharton at Braemar.” (The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 20 August 1930, Page 660: |"EUROPEAN FINED FOR SPEEDING").

1933-05-15: J.S. Henderson Bercuti di London

“Mr. J.S. Henderson, of Braemar Estate, near Kuala Lumpur, has arrived in London on leave, and will probably spend the greater part of his holiday here.” (The Straits Times, 15 May 1933, Page 12: | "MALAYANS AT HOME").

1947-08-19: Penjualan Rumah Banglo

“Decent bungalow estate manager's type with two-acre compound containing few fruit trees road frontage situated vicinity of Braemar Estate 14th Mile Cheras Road, Kajang. For Price and particulars Apply Box 997, M. Tribune, Singapore.” (Malaya Tribune, 19 August 1947, Page 3: |"Page 3 Advertisements Column 1").

1948-06-27: Pembunuhan Kepala Estet

“The Kuala Lumpur police stated this morning that at about 10.15 last night a Chinese Kepala of Braemar Estate, Kajang, was shot dead outside a sundry goods shop at Sungei Kajang. The killers numbered 3 or 4 Chinese who were all masked. One of them said to have been armed with a revolver and another with a 12 bore gun. On the dead body of the kepala was a post card in which was found the words in Chinese equivalent to “bid to destroy labour thief”. No arrests have been made and the police are investigating.” (Malaya Tribune, 28 June 1948, Page 2: |"Estate Kepala Killed").

“A Chinese tapping kepala to a contractor on the Braemar Estate in Kajang, was shot dead outside a shop in the little village of Sungei Kantan at 10.15 last night. On his bullet-riddled body was found pinned a note in Chinese which read “to destroy labour thief.” The village is about one and a half miles off the main road just outside Kajang which is fifteen miles south of Kuala Lumpur. The kepala was sitting alone on a bench on the five-foot way. Inside the shop was a cluster of customers. Six or seven men suddenly appeared. They were all masked and carried weapons. After the gangsters had gone the body of the kepala was found outside the shop.” (The Straits Times, 28 June 1948, Page 1: |"Chinese Kepala Shot Dead").

1949-07-30: Pekerja Diculik

“Bandits from the Kajang area of Selangor raided Braemar Estate shortly after dawn this morning and kidnapped two Tamil labourers. A third Tamil escaped after being stabbed and seriously wounded.” (The Straits Times, 30 July 1949, Page 5: |"Bandits Kidnap 2 Tamil Labourers").

1953-10-31: Pengganas Menyerah Diri

“A terrorist gave up to a Malay tapper on Braemar Estate in the Kajang district of Selangor on Saturday.” (The Straits Times, 3 November 1953, Page 7: | "Gurkhas kill woman Red at 80 yards").

braemar_estate.1692877906.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/08/24 19:51 by sazli